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Lauderdale Roadside Wave followed by Clifton Beach Sausage Sizzle BBQ

March 12 @ 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm


Campaign friends, volunteers and supporters
join us for a relaxed get together at Clifton Beach

Let’s rev things up around Sandford/Lauderdale/Clarendon Vale/ Rokeby this Wednesday afternoon and early evening March 12.

Catch up with Peter for a campaign update, sign up for letterboxing and corflutes
– and have a relaxed get together/BBQ with FREE snags at the beach

4.30pm: Roadside corflute waving – just south of Angie Sue’s, 534 South Arm Road, Lauderdale

Followed by:
5.45: BBQ & Sausage sizzle at Clifton Beach

The election date may have been put back a couple of weeks but we’re not taking it easy – it just gives us more time to get out the word that Franklin deserves an Independent voice.

Peter George 


March 12
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm


Peter George


534 South Arm Road, Lauderdale
Lauderdale, + Google Map

Will you host a corflute sign in your front garden or on your fence?

We know that each and every one of these signs will increase the vote for Peter George.

It's a huge contribution.

Our team of volunteers will deliver and install the corflute sign.

We'll also come and take it down after the election.

Give us a call: Campaign manager Maddie 0490 511 607 or Luca 0407 674 700

Thanks we'll be in touch