I will fight for:

A genuinely independent Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with real teeth

An enforceable national strategy to protect flora and fauna, natural assets and places of national significance


I will work for:

Legislation against price gouging, unfair pricing, enforceable codes of conduct

Increased competition to lower prices

Reduced energy prices 


I’ll work for:

More investment in state schools

A better educated workforce fit for the future

A level playing field for public and private education

Free university education for first degrees


I will fight to:

End native forest logging

Support impacted communities and workers transition to sustainable industry

Support transition within forestry to sustainable plantation timber


My guarantee:

I won’t promise one thing and deliver another

I won’t be bullied by political parties

I will not take incentives from big business


Greater Hobart is Australia’s most vulnerable city tocatastrophic fire like the disaster in Los Angeles.

I’ll fight for:

Urgent Commonwealth/State action to prevent such a catastrophe in our city

A National Climate Action Fund to build resilience against the climate crisis

No one denied insurance for losses from natural disaster

Halting coal mine expansion

Phase out coal and gas exports

No nuclear power stations here or on the mainland

Our children and our grandchildren who deserve better


I’ll fight to:

Get the destructive salmon industry out of Franklin’s waterways

Stop salmon industry expansion plans for 50 huge pens in the north of Storm Bay.

Protect the critically endangered Red Handfish and the Maugean skate

Assist communities and workers in the transition out of coastal waters 

Work together in Franklin to defend globally significant waterways for our pleasure, sustainable fisheries and posterity


I will fight for:

National dental care assistance through Medicare

Reduce waiting times in hospital emergency departments

24-hour emergency clinics in Clarence, Kingborough and Huon Valley


I’ll work to:

Collaborate with Independents in Federal Parliament to fight for our communities’ needs, lifestyles and liveable future

Take the decisions away from party machines and put them back where they belong – with us

Demonstrate more Independents means more democracy