Will you host a corflute sign in your front garden or on your fence?

We know that each and every one of these signs will increase the vote for Peter George.

It’s a huge contribution.

Name recognition is crucial in elections. While party politicians can rely on party name recognition, a community independent can’t. Plus, parties have a lot of resources an independent simply doesn’t have.
The secret power of a community independent is you!

Our team of volunteers will deliver and install the corflute sign.
We’ll also come and take it down after the election.

Please get in touch at campaign@petergeorgeforfranklin.com

Or give us a call: Campaign manager Maddie 0490 511 607 or Luca 0407 674 700


Tell us where you live

Will you host a corflute sign in your front garden or on your fence?

We know that each and every one of these signs will increase the vote for Peter George.

It's a huge contribution.

Our team of volunteers will deliver and install the corflute sign.

We'll also come and take it down after the election.

Give us a call: Campaign manager Maddie 0490 511 607 or Luca 0407 674 700

Thanks we'll be in touch